Monday, September 15, 2008

Cinnamon Caramel Apples


An Apple Tree
And Cinnamon
And something on your chin to keep your shirt and everything other from getting messed. The cinnamon and the caramel might get mixed together and go down on your shirt.
Popsicle Stick

Here goes.

  1. Take out a fresh apple from the tree. Always take it from the middle of the tree. They're the best. Okay.
  2. Make the caramel hot and ready.
  3. Get the cinnamon and pour it into the caramel when it's half ready and half not.
  4. Place the apple steady on the Popsicle stick.... straight from the middle in the core.
  5. Pour the cinnamon and the caramel steadily on the apple. (maybe I'll grow up to be a chef in a five star restaurant someday!) Okay.
  6. Place it on a plate and microwave it for 10 seconds.
  7. Be careful, and ENJOY!

1 comment:

Jane Huddleston said...

My favorite part is about covering your clothes. You are so right, you might spill down your shirt. That could be uncomfortable!