Monday, September 29, 2008


  • M & M s
  • Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
  • Kit Kat bars
  • Crunch bars
  • Dove chocolate,
  • Milk and Dark Chocolate
  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 cups of vegetable oil
  • 1 box of Angel Food cake mix
  • 1 box of Devil’s Food cake mix
  • 2 eggs
  • a cold stove
  • a 100 degree F. steel pan
  • 1 large bowl

Mix five large bags of candy together in a large bowl. Pour both bags of cake mix into the bowl. Pour all of the mixed candy into the bowl and blend them in the bowl and scrape in the pan and preset to 425 degrees F. Put mix in the oven for 35 minutes and take out can and let it cool down for 15 minutes.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008


  1. Keep body parts to yourself.
  2. Don't cheat way, way, way, way too much!
  3. Only 4 breaks are allowed and they are...breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime.
  4. Always bring a bottle of cold water.
  5. Always have a sweat-band on your forehead.
  6. Wear tennis shoes.
  7. Wear Shorts
  8. Don't wear a jacket.
  9. Wear sunscreen.
  10. Take off loose things on your shirt and pants.
  11. Ecpect the unecspected.
  12. Never take out the whip from the weponry without permission.
  13. Don't bring books! No exeptions, or else!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Strawberry Soufle


Okay, Strawberries.
Sliced Banana
Cherry Frosting
An oven
A large plate
Oops! I forgot the bowl!
and Cake Mix
and eggs

Okay, let's start.

  1. Get the bowl and pour the cake mix inside.
  2. Put the marshmallows on top of it before you mix it.
  3. Dispense the almonds on top of the marshmallows when it's mixing time.
  4. Mix the mix with the marshmallows and almonds
  5. Let's not forget the strawberries.
  6. Set the oven to 325 degrees F.
  7. Alright, dispense the eggs before you put it in.
  8. Okay, get ready to put all of the ingredients of the cake mix into the oven.
  9. Let it rise before it cooks.
  10. Put it in the oven and wait for it to be ready.
  11. Take it out..... put on the frosting.....
  12. and ENJOY!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cinnamon Caramel Apples


An Apple Tree
And Cinnamon
And something on your chin to keep your shirt and everything other from getting messed. The cinnamon and the caramel might get mixed together and go down on your shirt.
Popsicle Stick

Here goes.

  1. Take out a fresh apple from the tree. Always take it from the middle of the tree. They're the best. Okay.
  2. Make the caramel hot and ready.
  3. Get the cinnamon and pour it into the caramel when it's half ready and half not.
  4. Place the apple steady on the Popsicle stick.... straight from the middle in the core.
  5. Pour the cinnamon and the caramel steadily on the apple. (maybe I'll grow up to be a chef in a five star restaurant someday!) Okay.
  6. Place it on a plate and microwave it for 10 seconds.
  7. Be careful, and ENJOY!

Serve Le-yolk

  • The yolk of a hard-boiled egg
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • (let's not forget the silverware)
  • A plate
A plate is what you should not forget about.

Okay, let's start.
  1. Get the salt and pepper and sort them into piles so that you can dip the yolk of the hard-boiled egg in it.
  2. Put the yolk on the plate in the right place. Don't let it roll into the piles.
  3. Put the silverware on the left and the right. Fork on the left, Knife on the right.
  4. Put it in the microwave for 23 seconds.
  5. Take it out and enjoy. And make sure you dip it in the piles and split it before you do it.